Providing Optimal IT Solutions Tailored to Business Needs, Supporting Business Growth

Comprehensive Consulting Based on Extensive Experience

As an IT consulting firm, we specialize in deploying PMO solutions and technology solutions. Simultaneously, we extend our services to talent solutions to enhance the opportunities for highly specialized freelancers.

The synergy created by these offerings currently enables us to address challenges in various domains, such as driving corporate DX and IT transformation, providing project management support, and implementing business reforms related to sales and marketing.

PMO Solution

Not limited to project management alone, we seamlessly integrate our in-house talent with outstanding freelance professionals. This approach allows us to timely provide a diverse range of individuals tailored to the nature of the project, ensuring its success.

Development of
Overall Master Schedules and Organizational Plans

Formulation of Project Plans and Execution Plans

Establishment of Project Management Regulations

Operation of
Project Management Offices

Quality/Change Management

Facilitation of Weekly and Monthly Progress Meetings, Operation Approval Meetings

Proposal and Management Support for Maintenance Operation Structure

Coordination of Internal and External Departments,
Vendor Management

Technology Solution

Combining the insights of a consulting firm with technological prowess, we provide a seamless one-stop solution from strategic system planning to development. Additionally, by harnessing our in-house pool of professional talent, we offer comprehensive project support, encompassing talent acquisition and overall management.

System Analysis and
Package Selection

RFP Creation

Development of New and Existing Business Flows

Creation of New Business Requirements Specifications

Preparation and Review of System Design Documents

Proposals for Maintenance Efficiency/Stabilization and Introduction of
Maintenance Tools

Our Scope in Technology Solutions

  • Enterprise Solutions (ERP, CRM, SCM)
  • Cloud Platforms (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS)
  • Telecommunications Technology
  • Industrial Solutions
  • Customer Experience Solutions
  • Marketing Technology
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  • Big Data
  • Analytics
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • FinTech and Payment Solutions
  • Blockchain
  • HealthTech
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Cybersecurity/Cloud Security

Professional HR Solution

In the current era, where rapid business digitization is crucial, professionals with specialized skills play a vital role in business expansion and advancement. Leveraging our extensive experience in the ERP consulting industry, we possess a broad network of talents domestically and internationally, enabling us to deliver personnel tailored to each project’s needs.

Success Stories of International Talents

Strategic Consultant A (41 years old)
6 years as a freelancer/Former Manager at a multinational consulting firm

Monthly income: 1.8 million JPY /
Annual income: 21.6 million JPY

Abundant experience in business optimization projects at an insurance company, earning high trust from clients. After independence, honed consulting skills from the multinational consulting firm and enhanced specialization, a key factor in success.

SAP Consultant B (39 years old)
5 years as a freelancer/Former Manager at a major SIer company

Monthly income: 1.15 million JPY /
Annual income: 13.8 million JPY

Led significant enterprise business reform projects, including SAP implementation projects. After independence, pursued management studies, handling multiple projects with exceptional skills, gaining trust, and receiving direct requests for SAP-related projects.

PMO Consultant C (35 years old)
3 years as a freelancer/Former Consultant at a domestic consulting firm

Monthly income: 850,000 JPY /
Annual income: 10.2 million JPY

Adaptable to various industries for mid-sized PMO projects. In just three years since independence, steadily accumulating PMO experience and refining skills, aiming to take on more challenging projects in the future.


PMO Solution



Technology Solution



Professional HR Solution




















