
IT Consultancy
5G network in Hong Kong and How will 5G impact business and the world?

5G is the 5th generation mobile network. It is a new global wireless standard. 5G wireless technology is meant to deliver faster speeds, ultra low latency, more reliability, greater load capacity, increased availability, and a more uniform user experience to more users. Some researchers believe that 5G could deliver 10 – 20 times faster than 4G. Sending a message at 6pm in Central station will no longer be a problemIn 2019, the Government planned to make available a total of 160 MHz spectrum in the 600/700MHz bands to enhance indoor hotspots and the network capacity of indoor mobile telecommunications services which would help relieve congested traffic indoor mobile hotspots, such […]

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IT Consultancy
Top Technology Business Trends in 2021

Covid-19 has changed the world game rules. Airbnb CEO Chesky said “It took us 12 years to build, and we lost almost everything in 6 weeks.” Airbnb spending decades to build a dream and be destroyed in just a few months. Covid-19 also forced to put Muji U.S. Stores into bankruptcy and closed its US stores. The company said it was impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. In a moment defined by isolation and distancing, technology business is growing rapidly and will continue growing in 2021. A rapid change in technology business industry during the COVID-19. Here are a few technology business trends in 2021. 1. Digital transformation will continue growing […]

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