Cloud ERP

IT Consultancy
3 ERP Trends For 2021

Now that we are in the first month of 2021, it is a good time to look ahead what are the major ERP trends can we expect in this year. In 2020, Many companies started to figure out systems to handle remote work. Technology and software are developing quickly and there will be a strong impact on how ERP is developed in the future. Cloud ERP Some companies are using on-premises ERP and they may realize its expensive cost, limitations of flexibility and innovation. Therefore, cloud adoption is going to play a vital role in 2021. Plus, ERP implementation comes with startup fees and hardware costs so they may too […]

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IT Consultancy
Top Five Signs Your Business Is Ready For An ERP System

It's taking longer and longer to reconcile financials at the end of the month.

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IT Consultancy
7 Emerging ERP Trends

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) has become an integral part of the business landscape, and ERP vendors are continuously coming up with less complex and more inexpensive options.

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